Dead on again, you help put into words what my soul aches to express, please keep it up.

As a guy in his early 40’s I’m starting to see these enchantments Lewis and his contemporaries paint. “The Magician’s Nephew” was one of those stories that really showed me how creation is harmonized. Absorbing these stories has helped reading the Bible and seeing the world with great depth. I’m so blessed to be reading along with my daughter and sharing these thoughts with her. Thank you for what you do

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Von, I can't tell you how encouraged I am by this! I am somewhat new to this way of seeing the world way as well and I've had a similar experience. I'm so glad you find it helpful, and that you are sharing it with your daughter is just pure gold!

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Yes. I’m so glad to read this, and so happy to find another person expressing thoughts along these lines. I think you’ve excellently articulated the wonderful (and I mean that word in its older sense) value of fairy stories/enchanted narratives. I’ll be sharing this. Thanks for writing it.

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I just remembered another example of “fairytale” in the Bible. Just yesterday, my pastor was preaching from Acts 12 about how the angel saved Peter from prison. As we were reading it in church, I was thinking “this reads just like a fairytale!” Now that I’ve been reading George MacDonald since the last time I read Acts, it almost feels like MacDonald wrote the Acts account. It’s so enchanted and enchanting. And entertaining for that matter.

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Thanks so much Levi! And I love those connections! The magical creatures in fairy tales were often intended to represent angels and demons so that's a wonderful reference. And George MacDonald is one of my faves. I love how good stories help us read the Bible with new eyes.

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Fabulous! I'm subscribing!

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Thank you!!

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This is excellent! Beautifully written, too.

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Shannon, thank you so much!

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This was an Amazing article. You have put into words exactly what I believe is true! The whole world is a beautiful, frightening fairy tale and we and our children need to be able to tell who are the good guys and who are the bad guys!!!

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Rebekah, thank you so much! I love it. I'm so glad others are excited about recapturing enchantment!

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