I was listening to a podcast the other day that was discussing Christians' obsession with "Christian" music or "Christian" movies. They stated that "Christian" was a person, not a tv show or movie or music, and basically Christians can make music and other content that doesn't overtly have God in it and it doesn't make them less faithful. (They obviously said this much better than my summary for it). This is such a great piece to further my thought process on this topic. Regardless if it's overtly Christian-themed or not, we should do it well.

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Jessica, thanks so much for sharing some thoughts on this! Yes, I completely agree. I hope more Christians are catching on to this idea and the tide will turn!

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This is the most succinct, no-nonsense explanation of the faith and art tension I've read in a long time.

Going to share this - well done, Noelle!

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Thanks so much C. M. Miller!!!

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